There are two things I love about fall. The beautiful, radiant leaves. And Football. That's right. I said it. The "F" word. It might be a surprise to some of you. For those of you who did not know me BP (Before Perry), I will tell you that I grew up in a household void of all things football. My dad never watched a football game on TV. We never set out a tail-gate spread before attending a college match-up. And Super Bowl Sunday meant one thing. Shopping. (The malls are way less crowded!) The very first Thanksgiving that said Husband ever spent with my family, my mom went all out. She had her finest linens and china on the table, multiple side dishes in the oven and a plated first course salad. Perry leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Where's the football game?" I had no idea what he was talking about. This was in stark contrast to HIS family's Thanksgiving where the turkey dinner was meticulously scheduled around h...