KitKat Cake

When your 10-year old daughter tells you she wants to make her own birthday cake, here's what you do. You let her. Your little mini-me might just prove to you that the apple does not fall far from the tree! And, really, if you can't have death-by-chcolate on your birthday, when can you? Start with your favorite chocolate cake recipe and pour the batter in two 8-inch rounds. Lined with parchment, of course. Use more parchment to line your cake pedestal in an attempt to keep it clean. Spread frosting on the first layer. Top with the second layer and finish the outside of the cake with more chocolate frosting. Next comes to the fun part. Break apart 10 KitKat bars and line them up like a little fence around the cake. Make sure all the lettering goes in the same direction. If you suffer from OCD, that is. OK, one more fun part. Pour in an entire large bag of M&M's. This fills in the top and looks very cheery a...