Sweet Sour Cream Biscuits

I've been thinking about my good friends in The South, lately, and that leads me to think about food. The South and good food just go hand in hand. You can't have one without the other. Did you know that if you go to, say, a potluck brunch with your Bible Study group, that ladies actually bring things like Cheese Grits, Bacon Biscuits, French Toast Bake, Sausage Balls, Sweet Tea and Pecan Bars? They actually eat these foods and somehow stay skinny. I guess it's all the tennis they play. Or maybe they just sweat it off during the 90+ degree days. I'm still trying to figure it out. If you don't think you're a fan of biscuits, try these. They're moist (sour cream), slightly sweet (just a tad of "sugah") and you can bake them right in your muffin tin! These biscuits work for breakfast, lunch or dinner. You need to try them, y'all! Sweet Sour Cream Biscuits by Rachel @ Simple Girl Ingredients: 1 cup sour cream 1 ...