Raspberry Cream Cheese Tartlets

Today is Valentine's Day and the kids have come to expect something a little special for breakfast. Yes, I know. I have put this pressure upon myself. It's the life of a blogging mom. And since I still happen to be finishing class Valentines, I am thankful for these 5-minute tartlets that look amazing and couldn't be simpler to put together. All you need are some pre-made mini phyllo shells, some cream cheese frosting and some raspberries. Is this not the perfect little bite? Cream cheese frosting trumps pastry cream any day! These would be great to make in large quantities. You could assemble hundreds of them in minutes. Put your cream cheese frosting in a gallon freezer bag and snip a corner to pipe it into the shells. If you don't want your shells quite so toasty, don't call your mom right after you place the empty shells in the oven. Don't ask me how I know this. Happy Valentine's Day! xo Rachel