Glimpses Week 52 | Christmas Reflections

It was a Christmas of change. For the first time ever, the girls didn't wouldn't wear matching outfits and even though I should have seen the writing on the wall when my eldest daughter turned twelve, I felt disappointed by the fact that I could (or should) no longer completely control them. It's the beginning of the letting go which is perhaps an even greater parenting challenge than the reigning in. Choose your battles my mother always said. She is a wise woman. My freshman son, however, wore a sports coat and tie without me even asking. He's smart enough to know when to play the favorite child card. It was also our first Christmas ever to wake up Christmas morning in our own house. To see the stockings stuffed and the presents wrapped under our own tree felt right and magical all at once. Our new house now feels like home. To all the readers of Simple Girl, thanks for journeying with me this year. I'm looking forward to new adventures, rec...