Glimpses Week 17 | It's the Weekend

It's the weekend. Can I just go ahead and shout out a Woo-Hoo? It's not that I'm celebrating the passing of time, it's that I'm celebrating the survival of time! Here's how my week panned out. Monday . Before the dawn had barely broken, I was forced to face two of my irrational fears: Running out of gas, and getting stuck in a car wash. From the first fear, I was delivered. My prayers to heaven were answered as I coasted into a gas station after realizing that, at some point during my shuttling of four kids to a seemingly endless number of places, my empty light had turned on. Whoever designed a car who's only reaction to an empty tank is the illumination of a teeny tiny pinpoint of light was obviously not a mother of school aged children who rarely has time to squeeze in a pedicure, let along keep the gas tank full. I might not have been so worried except that, guiltily, I have run out of gas before - exactly 200 yards before ...