Apple Picking with Ella

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of driving for the first grade field trip. Destination? Ellijay, Georgia. Ellijay is way up in Northern Georgia, nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. It sits near the beginning (or end) of the Appalachian Trail. The only way there is a handful of county roads. Fill your tank before you leave. There's not a gas station in sight. Besides its picturesque countryside, Ellijay is known for this: Apple Picking. Don't you just love walking into one of those roadside apple houses? The smell of apples... local honey..... ... Moonshine Jelly? You've gotta love The South. I thought about buying a jar, but I wasn't sure how well a Peanut Butter and Moonshine Jelly sandwich would go over in the school cafeteria. Maybe next year. I'll have to check with the administration. But we didn't come to go shopping, we came to pick apples! Despite the fact that f...