Grilled Corn with Basil Butter

One of my favorite things about summer is all the fresh produce that is available. Growing up, my grandparents had a large vegetable garden. Every time we would visit them during the summer, Grandma would send us on our way with a trunk full of fresh veggies. My mom would then hurry home to par-boil and freeze everything we couldn't possibly eat and then she would spend the rest of the week cooking and serving us lots and lots of vegetables! OK, so I didn't fully appreciate all those veggies then, but the older and wiser me has come to truly savor this fresh-from-the-garden taste. Today we were able to enjoy the fresh picked produce we bought during our trip to The Farmer's Market ! Ella's pick? Sweet Corn! In my opinion, a child's education just isn't complete without mastering the skill of shucking corn. When I was growing up, weekends were spent at the family cabin. Every Friday, our family would pack up for our drive "Up North". ...