Saint-Saens: Carnival of the Animals

As I prepared for our Spring Break Adventure, I couldn't help but think of those twenty-some hours in the car that would be perfect listening! Knowing that my idea might not be received with equal amounts of enthusiasm, I tried to think of something fun - something that would let the kids close their eyes for a moment and use their imagination. So in between videos of Night at the Museum: The Smithsonian and High School Musical 3 , I slipped in The Carnival of the Animals (Le carnaval des animaux) by the French Romantic composer, Saint-Saens. Camille Saint-Saens 1835 - 1921 Saint-Saens was a serious French composer. As I imagined him, I thought of my grandfather who looked old to me for the entire 33 years that I knew him. As we listened to the piece, and the analysis of it by Leonard Bernstein, it became clear that, just like my grandfather, the very serious Saint-Saens had an intelligent sense of humor! The Carnival of the...