Gershwin: Rhapsody In Blue

This week we are leaping out of the Baroque period and back into the twentieth century. Rhapsody in Blue , by George Gershwin, is a musical composition for solo piano and jazz band. Written in 1924, it combines elements of classical music with jazz-influenced effects. George Gershwin 1898- 1937 Rhapsody in Blue was commissioned by jazz band leader Paul Whiteman who would premiere the piece in a concert entitled An Experiment in Modern Music . Although hestitant, Gershwin was eventually persuaded to write the piece, and with only five weeks left until the concert, he began composing the piece on his train journey to Boston. He told his biographer Isaac Goldberg in 1931: “It was on the train, with its steely rhythms, its rattle-ty bang, that is often so stimulating to a composer – I frequently hear music in the very heart of the noise…And there I suddenly heard, and even saw on paper – the complete construction of the Rhapsody, from beginning to end....