What Ice Fishing Looks Like

Do you remember the movie Grumpy Old Men?  What?  Eh?  You're too young to remember the 1993 classic with Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau?  Some of the funniest scenes take place out on a frozen Minnesota lake.  Ice Fishing.

Ice fishing in North America may have begun as a sport of survival, but it has turned into a cultish pastime with its own sub-culture.  In freezing climates, it has become just one more reason for men to get out of the house and divert their domestic responsibility.  Or maybe it has been promoted by women who prefer their men to play cards in their own house on the weekends.  Whatever its origin, modern day ice fishing does not seem to base its success on the catching of fish. 

If you've never been ice fishing before (ahem. me.) the first point of fear is driving your car out on the ice.  I mean, are you really going to trust the weatherman who is announcing the ice safety conditions from his heated rooftop garden?  There is definitely an eerie feeling that accompanies driving a full-sized SUV over clear ice.  You can actually see the water below.

The guys carry in the big equipment.  
An ice auger is needed to drill or re-drill the necessary holes in the ice.

Buckets of bait and fishing tackle come in handy, too, if you are actually planning on fishing.

Ice houses come in many shapes and sizes, but they usually have one thing in common. They're small.  I particularly liked this red retro version near us.  Circa 1960's?

This little shanty has a nice homey feel.  A few lessons in living more with less!

Inside an ice shanty one can learn many lessons in efficiency.  The floor is drilled with holes for easy ice access.  This deluxe model came complete with a fold-down dining table and upholstered benches, fold-down sleeping accommodations, an electric stove, heater and toilet/utility room.  Hey. Move over. I'm using my wide-angle lens here!

If you look closely at this picture, you can detect the strategy for fishing.  One fisherman lowers a waterproof camera down one hole.  The monitor sits on the bench.  A second fisherman eyes the catch on the monitor and lowers a net with a telescoping handle.

What could be better than an ice cold Coca-Cola lost at sea?

A day in an ice shanty.

Photo Courtesy of The Sister-In-Law
The cure for cabin fever?
Or the lunacy of cabin fever?


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