Of Mice and Lice....

There's nothing like a good case of head lice to get your house clean. That is what I discovered this weekend when an itchy head confirmed one of life's greatest fears. Lice.  Blegh.  Double Blegh.  For almost a dozen years we've been able to dodge the bullet when those notes came home from school.  A dozen years of being thankful..... of buying precautionary product.... of trying not to judge....

An extended trip to the Ladibug Salon confirmed that three out of six of us were infested.  Including yours truly. Here's what I said out loud.  WAAAAHH!

We went home on Saturday night (they stayed open until 9:30PM just for us!) and stripped sheets, vacuumed mattresses, floors, sofas and put anything plush or blanket-like in plastic bags outside to freeze.  We wiped down surfaces, sanitized clean clothes in the dryer and bagged up backpacks, hats and hairbrushes.


I thought I was handling things quite well, until Sunday when my husband found me sitting in a chair and whimpering. He quickly swooshed the kids out of the room, allowing me to have a meltdown moment in solitude.  Between Christmas, Nana and Papa being hospitalized with the flu, the passing of our beloved gerbil, Sprite, (May she rest in peace) and now lice, my stress-o-meter had reached its limit.

We all have to face our fears at some point in our life.  More often than not, we survive them.  Sometimes, good even comes of it.  For the first time in 15 years, I can honestly say I am caught up with the laundry!

This morning, on the heels of all the chaos, my 12-year old couldn't find her tennis shoes.  After precious minutes of searching, I saw my tennis shoes by the door and offered that she could wear mine.  She kindly declined and wore her boots to school instead.  Three hours later I found her shoes.  

Here's the text I sent her:

I think I'm going to take a nap now.  In my clean bed.



Janet said…
I feel your pain! I guess cold weather has its benefits? Wishing you a speedy "All Clear."
that is hilarious, the tennis shoes...

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