Quick & Easy White Chocolate Oreo Treats

Last week my kids went to a piano recital and brought cookies.  From Target.  Are you feeling better about yourself yet?  It just seems to be that kind of year.  Every project is taking longer than expected putting me just a little further and further behind.

For our extended family Christmas get together today, I volunteered to bring goody bags for the 18 kids that would be attending.  At first I was thinking of some really cute large Gingerbread Cookies in cellophane bags.  Then time ticked on and I was going to scale it back to large rice krispie treats drizzled with red and green candy melts.  Then more time ticked on and I came up with this:  White Chocolate Oreos with a dark chocolate drizzle. Perfect.  The great thing about this project is that most of the work is done for you!

 It took me less than 30 minutes to drizzle ten dozen cookies!
I love these chocolate piping bags I found at Michael's.  
They bring piping chocolate to new levels of perfection!

Who wouldn't want to receive such deliciousness?

We attached a Caribou Coffee Gift Card so that the moms kids could enjoy a cup of hot chocolate with their semi-homemade treats.

'Tis the season!


ACA said…
Aw Rachel - I love this! Semi-homemade.. especially when it is getting down to the wire for Christmas :-) GENIUS!! Have an amazing Sunday - Kel

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