Betty's Pies

So I was paging through my Food Network Magazine (or, rather, scouring through every word since I've now been without access to cable TV and cooking shows for a good month), when I ran across an article about Betty's Pies.  In the fine print, it stated that there were two locations, both in Minnesota.  "Wait a minute," I thought, "I'm in Minnesota!"  So I Googled "Betty's Pies" and found that one location was in Two Harbors, Minnesota (a really long ways away) and one location was in Mahtomedi, Minnesota, (a really short ways away.)

I'm inserting this sign for good measure, just so you know how people feel around here.

Since Betty's Pies was actually featured in a national magazine, I decided that it was a worthy destination for a Mommy Camp Field Trip!

Betty's Pies is obviously known for it's pies, but it was was also featured for it's latest invention:

The Pie Milkshake.

That's right, a whole slice of pie, 8 ounces of ice cream, a splash of milk, and you have pie ala mode in a glass!  
You can see the bits of crust and fruit swimming in it!

We also tried the five-layered chocolate pie (Ella's favorite),

And the Rhubarb Raspberry Pie (Samuel's favorite).

The kids loved looking at the homemade pies,

and begged for me to leave them unattended.

I told them they really wouldn't like the espresso, anyway :-)


Thank you for the story on Betty's Pies! Could you link back to the website, We could even send you a company photo to add to the collection of photos, which you can then link to the website from.

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