iheartfaces | Flowers

This week we are taking a break from faces and photographing our beautiful May flowers.  Interestingly, in the south, our spring flowers have already faded!  I could have photographed the roses or the the daffodils, but instead, I chose the Belle of my small southern yard - The Magnolia.  I love how the billowy white petals envelope the pistils and stamen, like a secret little package waiting to be opened.


Stacie said…
Beautiful image!
Tamar SB said…
This is stunning!!
From another northern girl living in the south...I have to agree, our flowers bloomed months ago! :) Love the magnolia and the angle! Very pretty. There is a sweet magnolia (very small flower) blooming in a park near us that I've been waiting to get a picture of. The center looks like a pineapple too! But with our cool temps the last few days, the blossoms haven't opened back up yet.

p.s. Thanks for making me hungry with that cupcake pic!
Mandy said…
Love it! I am a southern girl as well (TN) and love that you showcased the SOUTH! :) I like pictures that have meaning behind them.
The West Family said…
Beautiful photo, lovely detail.
Unknown said…
Such a great close up!!
This is gorgeous!! Love it in black and white.
Oh, as a Georgia girl I have forgotten how beautiful magnolias are! There aren't nearly as many here in Virginia.
deb duty said…
What a beautiful flower and it looks stunning in black and white!
Julie Rivera said…
The magnolias here in Texas are just starting to open. This is an absolutely beautiful, stunning shot that could only be presented this well in B&W.

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