Photos from the Farm

September is a nice month for a funeral and I don't mean that in a cynical sort of way.  A few years ago my Grandpa passed away in September. This year my aunt passed away, too.   Whereas some months are rainy or cold or unbearably hot, September embraces us with its perfect, blue-skied days.  September gives us a final glimpse of summer, hope for a harvest and a freshness to sustain us.  September wipes away our tears.

After the funeral, I stopped by my aunt and uncle's Wisconsin farm.

It brought back memories to see the taste of country life that I experienced for one week each summer -

The place where I milked my first (and only) cow .....

The place where I jumped from bale of hay to bale of hay......

The place where we sent the kittens when our cat had, not one, but two litters! -

I reconnected with my cousin.  We were the only girls among a sea of boys.

Although her path took her one way and my life led me another, the farm took us back to common ground.

I am so proud of my aunt - how she spent her whole life living and but a few hours dying.

Her courage to face her future was certain.

And although we will miss the whirring of her sewing machine and her Corn Casserole at Christmas,

Her faith leaves us with more hope and fewer tears.

May we be reminded to live each season of our lives to its fullest.


karanmi said…
Isn't it nice when you have such special memories of such special places and people. I would love to go back to my Aunt and Uncles place on the lake but find that since they passed and their son who had inherited the cottage passed I just can not bring myself to do it.

So many wonderful times every summer staying there with my cousin. She and I stayed up all night watching the fireflies and listening to the frogs on the lake. We spent out days in the canoe fishing and just going from one end of the lake to the other.

And yes I agree a funeral in Sept is about the perfect weather. I lost an Uncle in early Sept. and the day of the funeral was just beautiful.

What special memories. Thanks for your kind words!
what a wonderful tribute to your aunt. i'm sure she'd love the beautiful pictures you took of her home.

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