The Road to Cartersville

Never been to Cartersville, Georgia?  Don't worry, you're not alone.  I really can't think of any reason to go there.  It's just a small southern country town.  It's not on the way to anything.  There is really nothing there.  Nothing, that is, except for The Booth Western Art Museum.  I know, I know, I was skeptical, too.  Western anything is really not my style.  Except, maybe, Western Salad Dressing.  That, on my  Aunt Joyce's Taco Salad with Fritos?  That,  my friend, I will happily take any day!

So why, you might ask, if I'm not a fan of Western, did I load up my family in the SUV for a road trip to Cartersville?  Let me just say one name:  Ansel Adams.  Ansel Adams, the great American photographer  whose works were my poster pin-ups in college.  Ansel Adams, the man behind the masterpieces which adorned my daily calendars for at least a decade.  Ansel Adams, the genius behind the art of photography.  His works were on display at The Booth Western Art Museum in Cartersville.  This was the reason for our journey. 

 Of course, I had to take a few photos along the way.... like this peaceful sunlit river above...

.... and the red barn.  One just can't have too many pictures of red barns!

Then there were the old classic cars parked in front of the old classic houses.

Downtown Cartersville....I'm not sure if the trains actually stop here.  They might just throw the mailbags out the window for the Postmaster to catch.

After such a long drive, we were definitely ready for some nourishment.  Oops.  This cute little ice cream shop was closed for the season.  I guess they get a lot more tourists in the summer.

We thought about the 4-Way Cafe......

But Perry wasn't sure he could fit through the door.

The corner drugstore was closed.....being Sunday and all.

Then there was Doug's Place.  Perry nixed this one due to the large row of Hogs out front.

We finally settled on The Longhorn Steakhouse.  
They play both kinds of music there - Country and Western!

COMING NEXT....... The Booth Western Museum of Art!


BaileeAnnePhoto said…
Can you please rell me what road the red barn is off of, or how to get there! Trying to find it!! :)

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