iheartfaces | Saying Goodbye

This weekend, Samuel said good-bye to a teammate and friend.  It's hard to lose someone your own age.  The reality of your own mortality becomes impossible to ignore.  It's a sudden wake-up call that that we are on this earth but for a moment.  This life is just a stopping point.  It's a chance to discover our Creator and choose for ourselves with whom we want to spend eternity.  This life is a gift.

Some say that writing is a healthy outlet for grief.  I would have to agree.  It's an expression of the soul.  For me, photography is also an outlet for grief.  I took dozens of photos three years ago at the consecutive funerals of my two remaining grandparents.  I didn't care if people thought it was inappropriate.   It was grief therapy - an expression of my soul.  My cell phone camera was a little less conspicuous on this night.  Even now, as I look at this picture, I know that healing has begun.

We'll miss you, Sanders.
We are praying for all those whose lives you touched.


Unknown said…
What a touching post. So sorry to hear of your loss.
Very touching...and the black/white, perfect for that moment.
what a beautiful photo. so sorry for your loss.
April said…
So sad... That photo is a lovely capture of the moment
Elyssa said…
Such a touching photo.
This is truly so touching and poignant.
FootPrints said…
great capturing the moment!
Lizz said…
So sad, and the grief is palpable in this photo. It's very touching.
mmsunseri said…
very touching photo! You will be so happy you have captured this picture! Priceless.
Drew said…
This is amazing! I can really feel the moment. I've been to 3 funerals over the past 2 months. Photography was very much a part of two of them. I think capturing even the sad moments are important for the healing process. I'm sorry to hear about such a young life passing away far too early.
Wendhy Jeffers said…
wow. What a sweet young man. I'm sorry for his loss :(

Unknown said…
I am so sorry for Andrew's loss. What a beautiful picture. You captured the moment perfectly.
da-atis said…
I'm sorry for your loss. I saw your picture on iheartfaces. What a solemn event, but it is captured beautifully in this picture. You can feel the emotion. You don't even need words with this post, the picture speaks for itself. (yet, I do agree with you writing and photography are a healthy outlet for grief.)
Crystal Rae said…
Amazing photo. So sorry for your loss.
colagrl said…
We are going through the same thing here - we are losing a very much loved teacher to colon cancer, and we are getting ready for the vigils, and I feel as a mom it's in appropriate that I take pictures, but I know that it will be my release to get through this with the kids (my teens) by taking pictures. Beautiful picture -

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